Lecture Materials

Recording and slides from the lecture with Alison Macdonald QC of Essex Court Chambers

Recording and slides from the lecture with Sa’ad Hossain QC and James MacDonald QC of One Essex Court

Slides from the lecture with Brian Kennelly QC and Jason Pobjoy of Blackstone Chambers

Recording and Slides from the lecture with Michael Fealy QC of One Essex Court

Webinar recordding of the lecture with Victoria Wakefield QC of Brick Court Chambers, Luke Streatfeild of Hausfeld LLP, Nick Frey of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP and Elizabeth Jordan of Slaughter and May Watch the webinar >>
Webinar recording of the lecture with Sir Robin Knowles CBE, Chief Master Marsh and Ed Crosse of Simmons & Simmons LLP Watch the webinar >> 
Slide handout from the lecture with Chloe Carpenter QC and Nik Yeo of Fountain Court. Watch the webinar on the following link: https://vimeo.com/517234119 Password: LQB316
Anthony de Garr Robinson QC of One Essex Court Watch the webinar on the following link: https://vimeo.com/582433659/796394da36
Adam Kramer QC and Alexia Knight of 3 Verulam Buildings Watch the webinar on the following link: https://vimeo.com/561055365 Password: SR5GE2
Tamara Oppenheimer QC and Alexander Milner of Fountain Court Chambers Watch the webinar on the following link: https://vimeo.com/540255258 Passcode: BHZ907
The Junior LSLA webinar focussing on the challenges junior lawyers face when starting out in the legal industry. Watch the webinar on the following link: https://vimeo.com/534046680 Password: EHQ522
A forum involving input from Jason Galbraith-Marten QC and Ed Williams QC from Assurety, who specialise in helping witnesses prepare for remote hearings; Martin Popplewell from Coconut Communications on communicating well in front of camera, lighting, camera angles and technical equipment; and a member of the judiciary to tell us all if it makes any difference! Watch the webinar on the following link: https://vimeo.com/528973105 Password: HMQ921

Adrian Beltrami QC, Jonathan Nash QC and Peter de Verneuil Smith QC of 3 Verulam Buildings Watch the webinar on the following link: https://vimeo.com/517234119 Password: LQB316

Slide handout from the webinar with Marie Demetriou QC and Gerard Rothschild, Brick Court Chambers

200521 LSLA lecture slides Arbitration Enforcement.pdf

Slide handouts from Andrew Thompson QC's 21 April 2020 lecture on Joint Venture Disputes - The Corporate Perspective

JV disputes - the corporate perspective.pptx

Slide handout from the lecture on 24 March 2020 given by Richard Gillis QC, One Essex Court

Slide handout from Philippa Hopkins QC and Helen Morton's 12 March 2020 lecture on Conflict and confidentiality: disclosure following Bank Mellat

Conflict and confidentiality 12.3.20.pptx

Slide handout from Edmund Nourse QC's 11 February 2020 lecture on A simplistic guide to attribution in companies.


Slide handout from David Quest QC and Ian Wilson QCs 26 November 2019 lecture on Good faith - how good do commercial parties have to be?

Good faith – how good do commercial parties have to be? slides.pptx

Slide handout from Andrew Ayers QC's 22 October 2019 lecture on Developments in vicarious liability

Slides from the lecture on 5 September 2019 The copyright remains with Neil Hext QC and Tom Shepherd, 4 New Square

Takhar seminar Slides.pdf

Slides from the lecture presentation given by Paul Lowenstein QC, Twenty Essex on 9 July 2019. These slides are for reference only and copyright remains with Paul Lowenstein QC

190709 - Cyber Fraud Slides - LSLA.pdf

Powerpoint Presentation provided by Daniel Lightman QC

PP Presentation LSLA Daniel Lightman talk slides 20190620 FINAl.pptx

Slides from the lecture on 13 February 2019 given by Sonia Tolaney QC

Recent Developments in Banking Law and Practice Sonia Tolaney QC.pdf

Slides from the lecture given by Patrick Lawrence QC and Paul Fisher, 4 New Square on 13 November 2018

Brexit Powerpoint Updated.pptx

Powerpoint presentation from the LSLA lecture on 12 Decmeber 2017

Breach of confidence remedies ppt.pdf

Handout from the LSLA seminar on 12 December 2017
Slides from the lecture held on 12 July 2017, presented by Nathan Pillow QC

Slides from the LSLA lecture held on 15 June 2017 and presented by Bankim Thanki QC and Colin Passmore

Privilege Slides, LSLA lecture on 15 June (36539862_1) (1) (2).pptx

LSLA lecture notes from Richard Lissack QC's lecture on 24 January 2017

170124 Lecture notes Making the Company Pay vrl2.pdf

Slides from the talk given by Sonia Tolaney QC on 28th November 2016

Recent Developments in Banking Law Talk for the LSLA (1).pdf

Powerpoint presentation from the seminar held on 6 July 2016

Recent Developments in Unjust Enrichment.pptx

Powerpoint presentation from the seminar on 21 June 2016

Contractual estoppel ppt presentation.pdf

Hand out from the seminar given by Jonathan Crow QC on 7 June 2016